Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
Episode 67: Minutes of Torah. Kedoshim: We Are Holy Beings
Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash
Episode 66: Minutes of Torah: It's Passover Y'all! Time to Clean
Episode 65: Minutes of Torah. Pekudei: Be Strong
The Cloud is a guiding force for the Israelites and for all of us
Episode 61: Minutes of Torah - Vayishlach: A Wrestling Match
Episode 60: Minutes of Torah - Rosh Hodesh - Rebecca Cried Out to God and God Responded
In honor of Rosh Hodesh. I am dedicating this week's Minutes of Torah to all the women who have felt silenced
Episode 59: Jewish Prayer - Asher Yatzer - Thank you God for Making Me Exactly Who I Am
Welcome to Episode 59 of Hineni Jewish Prayer. Today we will focus on the prayer that is often called the bathroom blessing. Thanking God for allowing one to do their business in the morning. I don't see this blessing as simple a bathroom blessing. I see it as a blessing thanking God for creating me exactly who I am.
Episode 58: Minutes of Torah - Building a World of Love After a Week of Violence
Welcome to this episode of Minutes of Torah. This past week has been hard for many of us and I am dedicating this podcast to speak about the violence in our country. Olam Hesed Yibaneh -We will build this world of love
Episode 57: Minutes of Torah - Vayeira: Faith and Justice
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
This week we are in the Torah Portion Vayeira. My plan for today was to continue our conversation on faith but something jumped out at me as I was reading this week’s torah portion. So today we will talk about faith and Justice.
Episode 56: Minutes of Torah - Lech Lecha: Going out out on Faith
Episode 55: Minutes of Torah - Noah and Faith
Photo by Rachel Pfuetzner on Unsplash
I love it when my Jewish anniversary falls on the Torah Portion Noah. In 2004 I converted on the October 13th and the Torah Portion for that week was Noach. So there is a special place in my heart for this week’s Torah portion.
Episode 54: Minutes of Torah - Bereishit: Created in the Image of God
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
We learn that Human beings are created B’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. What a concept and probably the most important idea in the Torah we are all created in the image of God. To be created in God’s image is not just about the Awesomeness power of God it is also a statement of responsibility about the way we are to treat others. Do we see God in others? Do we recognize that all people are created in the image of God?
Episode 53: Minutes of Torah - Balak: Blessing the Stranger
Episode 52: Minutes of Torah-Chukat: Asylum Seekers
One of the things that I love about the weekly Torah portion is that so often when I need a passage to speak to me about what is happening in our world today the words are there on the page and they jump out out at me. This week we are in the Torah portion Chukat.
Episode 48: Minutes of Torah - Tzav and Giving Thanks
This week week we are in the the Torah portion Tzav. And I want to talk about giving thanks. In this week’s torah portion We learn that one who offers a Korban aka sacrifice for the purpose of giving thanks must eat that Korban on the day when it is offered and none of it shall be set aside until morning.
Episode 47 Vayikra: The Calling
What does is your purpose in life? Are you called to something ?
Episode 46: Mikeitz and Hanukkah
Episode 45 Vayeishev: Dare to Be Different
Joseph is someone who dared to be different and he dared to dream big. In what ways are you like Joseph?
Episode 43 Toldot: Never Seek Your Sibling’s Blessing
There is a lot happening in this week’s Torah Portion. Do you have a sibling? Are you rivals? Check out this week’s podcast.
Episode 42: Vayeira and Hospitality
Let’s talk about what it means to be a good host. In this week’s podcast, we have two examples of hospitality, one good and one gone mad.